Wednesday, 20 May 2009

BC2003 - Bath Spa Media Event - preparation

As part of the prep for the event I produced the Call Sheet, Schedule and running order for the activities, as well as adding to the news script, helping to run meetings and co-ordinating the room & equipment bookings.

On reflection producing the call sheet and schedule proved to be a huge asset on the day as it prevented there being any confusion on what was happing where, when & with whom. We studied this in the first year and I realised the importance of them in practice when I worked on a shoot for National Geographic last June. The shoot was fairly small but even so it is critical to the smooth running for everyone to have a crystal clear idea of what is expected of them.

Also for future events I would be more mentally prepared and I am keen to gain more experience in leading groups and giving talks & lectures. I have agreed to be a part of the BSU 'Liquid Soap' online soap opera project and will be directing 1 episode, which will be a great way to start adding to my skills.

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