Wednesday, 10 October 2007

DISCOVERY - Audience & Format \ Types of Programmes

The Stats below show the top 10 Programmes on Discovery for the week 30/09/07.

Click on the Image to view it Larger !


The Programmes would appeal to Educated Men\ Women aged about 25 + and are mostly Factual Documentaries with Voice-over. Programmes tend to be in the areas of ; Nature \ Wildlife, Science, History,Health & Lifestyle, Travel, Engineering, Reality & Crime.


Unknown said...

oops - your barb link (good idea) has the wrong url attached to it Rob.

Unknown said...

Rob, you have included a lot of information - so good researching. But it would help if you analysed it more fully for your readers - you cut through the ownership maze well! See if you can make it more interesting. Some visuals would help break it up and illustrate the subject too.